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Discover Hot Grants with USFCR

Venturing into the federal grant realm? Let USFCR be your guide. Our handpicked hot grants open doors to incredible opportunities tailored for diverse sectors. From community projects to medical research, there's a grant waiting for you. With USFCR's expertise, your path to securing pivotal funding is clearer and closer than ever.

Fuel Your Vision with Targeted Funding!

Unlock Over $30M in USDA Grants for Agribusiness Innovation2

USDA Allocating Over $30,000,000 to Help Farmers and Ranchers Create Value-Added Products

Feb 7, 2024 9:29:02 AM / by Mari Crocitto

According to Oregon State University, value-added products are “raw or pre-processed commodities whose value has been increased through the addition of ingredients or processed that make them more attractive to the buyer and/or readily usable by the consumer.” 1 Through this grant program, the USDA aims to assist various agricultural product producers in the creation and production of new consumer products.  Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: RDBCP-VAPG-2024 

USFCR will stop taking applications on March 25th, 2024
U.S.-Japan Video Game Contest Tackles Key Social Issues-2

U.S. Mission to Japan Opening Competition to Integrate Issues of Social Importance to the United States, Japan, and Indo-Pacific Region Through Video Games

Aug 24, 2023 12:05:54 PM / by Mari Crocitto

Video games, according to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), are one of the most beloved pastimes in the United States, keeping over 62 percent of adults and 76 percent of kids engaged through various gaming mediums (mobile, console, PC, VR, etc).1 Also, a majority of players have stated the various benefits of playing video games, including expanding social circles through a welcoming and inclusive environment, introducing people to new friends and relationships, creating accessible experiences for those with different physical abilities, and being a way for parents to spend time with their children.2 Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: OSAKA-PAS-FY24-02 FY2024

USFCR will stop taking applications on March 5th, 2024
Hot grants - NIH Animal Models Grant

NIH Supports Biomedical Research by Developing Resources & Technologies to Enhance Animal Models

Jan 16, 2024 2:19:55 / by Mari Crocitto

The  National Institutes of Health (NIH), through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is supporting biomedical research projects to improve the rigor, reproducibility, and translatability of animal models via the development and implementation of broadly applicable technologies, tools, and resources. This opportunity stresses that the proposed studies, resources, models, or technologies must either explore multiple organ systems or be applicable to diseases and processes impacting many organ systems and must address research interests of multiple NIH Institutes & Centers (IC’s). Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-23-040

USFCR will stop taking applications on June 5, 2024.

USDA Forest Service Offering Over $250 Million to Help Combat Wildfires

Aug 24, 2023 12:05:54 PM / by Mari Crocitto

The number of wildfires occurring in the United States over recent years has led to great destruction of land and properties, and risked the lives of people located in susceptible areas. According to the Congressional Research Service, there was an average of 61,410 wildfires and 7.2 million acres of land burned across the United States from 2013 to 2022. (1)  Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: USDA-FS-2023-CWDG-TRIBES

USFCR will stop taking applications on: October 22nd 2023
  • Interested local government, Federally Recognized Indian Tribes/Alaska Native Corporations, and nonprofit applicants that are involved in forest conservation
USDA Forest Service Offering Up to $600,000 in Funds To Purchase Land for Conservation-USFCR Hot Grantssetaside

USDA Forest Service Offering Up to $600,000 in Funds To Purchase Land for Conservation

Sep 28, 2023 10:38:56 AM / by Mari Crocitto

The USDA Forest Service will be offering funds towards the conservation of open spaces and community forests through its Community Forest Program (CFP). These areas must be protected in order to provide various environmental, educational, recreational, and economic benefits within the targeted communities. 

Eligible applicants include local governments, federally-recognized Native American Tribes/Alaska Native Corporations, and any qualified conservation nonprofit organizations. If your organization is interested in pursuing this opportunity, be aware that public access and community benefit must be a key requirement within your program. Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: USDA-FS-2023-CWDG-TRIBES

USFCR will stop taking applications on: November 24, 2023
  • Interested local government, Federally Recognized Indian Tribes/Alaska Native Corporations, and nonprofit applicants that are involved in forest conservation
45 Million Dollar Grant for Coastal Restoration & Resiliencesetaside

DOC Funding Over $45 Million for Projects Enhancing Coastal Restoration & Resilience

Sep 13, 2023 9:54:39 AM / by Mari Crocitto

The slow repatriation of land to indigenous populations has identified a crucial issue with the restoration and preservation of native lands. In 2000, the Wiyot tribe in Northern California purchased 1.5 acres of ancestral land on Duluwat Island, now known as Tuluwat Island, and began working to restore it to its original state. The land purchased was originally taken from the tribe in 1860 during a brutal massacre of over 250 tribal women, children and elders. Not under the tribe’s case, the land eventually became a vacant shipyard filled with scrap metal and contaminated with toxic chemicals. By 2015, the city of Eureka announced it would return the remaining 202 acres to the tribe, though the transfer was not officially completed until 2019.2 This story is just one among many stories of tribal lands being taken, desecrated, and polluted.  Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: NOAA-NMFS-HCPO-2023-2008173

USFCR will stop taking applications on: November 3rd 2023

  • Tribes/Tribal Entities
  • An Underserved Community (parks and rec)
  • Entities partnering with tribes/tribal entities and/or underserved communities (i.e. nonprofits organizations, commercial/for-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, state, local, and Native American/Alaska Native tribal governments, and U.S. territories)
10 Million in Grants Offered By USDA for Specialty Crop Programssetasidesetaside

Over $10 Million in Grants Offered By USDA for Specialty Crop Programs

Sep 13, 2023 9:54:11 AM / by Mari Crocitto

The U.S. The Department of Agriculture (USDA), through the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), is offering a program to promote rural economic communities and climate-resilient landscapes. It will focus on specialty crop issues on the regional and national levels in the areas of food safety, marketing and promotion, research, investigations on pests and diseases, and crop-specific projects addressing various common issues. No federal cost sharing or matching is required.  Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: USDA-AMS-TM-SCMP-G-23-0020

USFCR will stop taking applications on: November 3rd 2023

  • US Department of Agriculture

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USDA Funding an Additional $123 Million Towards Second Round of Meat & Poultry Processing Expansion Programming-USFCR Hot Grantssetaside

USDA Funding an Additional $123 Million Towards Second Round of Meat & Poultry Processing Expansion Programming

September 28, 2023 10:40:48 AM / by Mari Crocitto

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), through the Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBCS), is offering over $123 million towards an expansion program related to meat and poultry processing.

According to the USDA’s 99th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum, there was an estimated 3.09 billion pounds of total beef exports expected to decline. Also, commercial beef production was forecasted to decline by 6 percent, to 26.5 billion pounds.1 The Processing Expansion Program will assist meat and poultry producers in expanding their current capacity and ensure that the proper safety measures are followed in accordance with the USDA. 
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Funding Opportunity Number: RD-RBS-23-02-MPPEP

USFCR will stop taking applications on: October 6, 2023

  • Meat Slaughters and Producers
USFCR-hot grants-USDA-1B-Investment-Farmers

USDA Investing Over $1 Billion in Farmers & Rural Small Businesses Across the US.

Jul 27, 2023 9:29:42 AM / by Cameron Blevins 

Rural areas across the country are facing issues of aging and declining infrastructure, buildings, and equipment that have widespread consequences for both the economy and the environment. For many farmers and small business owners, energy-inefficient equipment and infrastructure can drastically raise the cost of doing business, placing a further burden on these firms to be financially successful.  Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: RDBCP-REAP-RES-EEI-2023-2024

USFCR will stop taking applications on: August 20, 2024

  • For Profit- Rural Areas of USA
USDA 500M High Blend Fuel Infrastructure Investmentsetaside

USDA Accepts Applications for $500M High Blend Fuel Infrastructure Investment

Jul 26, 2023 1:54:11 PM / by Cameron Blevins 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has begun accepting new applications for their Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP), designed to expand and “significantly increase” the availability of alternative fuels. This program is a part of the overall national initiative to both solidify America’s energy independence and increase the supply of renewable energy sourced from US agricultural products.  Read More

Funding Opportunity Number: RBCS-2023-2024-01-HBIIP

USFCR will stop taking applications on: August 20, 2024

  • Transportation fueling facilities, such as gas stations and fleet facilities, and fuel distribution facilities, including terminal operations and depots.

Access to capital is essential for growth.

Dreams thrive on the right support, and access to capital is essential for growth. The perfect grant can turn your aspirations into reality, and with an active SAM registration, organizations can unlock doors to federal assistance.

USFCR's curated grant selection bridges your needs with potential funding avenues, covering sectors from agriculture to conservation and infrastructure. We understand that the cost of hiring a grant writer can be a significant investment. That's why we offer expert services at competitive market rates.

The USFCR Grant Writing Department is dedicated to alleviating the stress of sourcing, assembling, and submitting grant applications. While we handle the intricate details of grant writing, you can focus on rallying support for your initiative.


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US Federal Contractor Registration (USFCR) is the largest and most trusted full-service federal consulting organization. To simplify government contracting, we provide a suite of services that are a custom fit for your business. Since our founding in 2010, we have helped more than 300,000 federal contractors, nonprofits, state and local municipalities, and federal agencies succeed in the federal marketplace.